Stefanie, who has eight years of experience, assists industrial clients throughout the U.S. with multimedia environmental projects involving permitting and compliance. Her career, which has included working in the power industry and at educational institutions, informs her consulting work for industrial clients. She is familiar with the requirements of virtually all federal regulatory programs pertaining to air quality, stormwater, wastewater, and hazardous waste, as well as with those of numerous state programs.
Stefanie takes particular interest in vegetation management and reclamation of sites with impacts from oil-and-gas and mining operations. Her background includes researching the results of four decades of reclamation efforts at mine sites in North Dakota, which involved measuring vegetation richness and evenness as well as soil attributes such as rooting depths and soil moisture and compaction. She also completed internships at North American Coal Corporation’s Freedom Mine in Beulah and at the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Center.
Environmental Scientist
MS, Range Science and Management, North Dakota State University
BS, Agriculture, Dickinson State University
Barr Engineering Co.
234 West Century Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58503 Phone: +1 701-255-5462