
Explore the trends, innovations, and challenges impacting built and natural environments

Four simple steps to create a natural resource management plan

Improving the ecological health of natural areas within your park system
Improving the ecological health of natural areas within your park system

Bill Forsmark reflects on his 44 years at Barr

From teenage errand boy to chief marketing officer
From teenage errand boy to chief marketing officer

Four crucial ways to prepare your organization for the future with AI

Ready or not, artificial intelligence is here to stay
Ready or not, artificial intelligence is here to stay

The EPA aims to reduce PFAS in the environment by focusing on its sources


Certain PFAS now designated as hazardous substances under CERCLA
Certain PFAS now designated as hazardous substances under CERCLA

National standard informs state-to-state patchwork of PFAS regulations

EPA releases maximum contaminant levels for PFAS in drinking water
EPA releases maximum contaminant levels for PFAS in drinking water
Water reuse at industrial facilities
Envisioning reuse: The next chapter in the story of industrial water
Envisioning reuse: The next chapter in the story of industrial water
Industrial stormwater management
Navigating the storm: Effectively managing industrial stormwater
Navigating the storm: Effectively managing industrial stormwater

Adam Janzen’s work unlocks answers about the water we can’t see

Engineer makes a career, and a hobby, out of modeling
Engineer makes a career, and a hobby, out of modeling

New Toxic Substances Control Act provision casts a wider net

New PFAS reporting requirements under TSCA
New PFAS reporting requirements under TSCA

Achieve water supply sustainability with managed aquifer recharge projects

Addressing water scarcity: A case study on aquifer storage and recovery projects
Addressing water scarcity: A case study on aquifer storage and recovery projects

New test method seeks to provide more comprehensive picture of PFAS emissions

Stack test method OTM-50 announced to measure PFAS in air emissions
Stack test method OTM-50 announced to measure PFAS in air emissions

Understanding operational challenges leads to successful geotechnical solutions

Q&A: From operations-based site experience to practical geotechnical mining solutions
Q&A: From operations-based site experience to practical geotechnical mining solutions

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