
Explore the trends, innovations, and challenges impacting built and natural environments

Current status and considerations

Emerging PFAS destruction technologies
Emerging PFAS destruction technologies

New rule impacts facilities with low volumes and concentrations of PFAS

EPA's latest proposed rule eliminates PFAS reporting exemption
EPA's latest proposed rule eliminates PFAS reporting exemption

Understanding the limitations of this approach in commercial applications

A deeper look into the promising new PFAS destruction approach
A deeper look into the promising new PFAS destruction approach

Why industry and public entities should be paying attention to PFAS

PFAS: What’s all the hype?
PFAS: What’s all the hype?

Addressing the significant challenges of PFAS contamination 

Developing long-term PFAS solutions
Developing long-term PFAS solutions
New PFAS rule
New PFAS rule to have broad implications
New PFAS rule to have broad implications
Statistics unlock answers to contamination questions
Statistics unlock answers to contamination questions
TRI updates include new reporting requirements
TRI updates include new reporting requirements

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